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MinIO Migration


Older versions of the Appcircle server utilized MinIO in a multi-node single drive (mnsd) setup, which resulted in increased disk usage. By default, the Appcircle server utilizes MinIO in a single-node single drive (snsd) configuration with the Appcircle server version 3.14.0 or later.

With the transition to Appcircle server 3.14.0 and the adoption of single-node single drive (snsd) MinIO, disk consumption is anticipated to decrease by approximately 20%.

This documentation provides comprehensive instructions on migrating from a multi-node single drive MinIO configuration to a single-node single drive MinIO configuration that can be applied to recent versions of the Appcircle server.


Please note that this process will cause downtime since it requires a restart of the Appcircle server.


Fresh self-hosted server installations do not require any manual intervention for the MinIO configuration.

The single-node single drive MinIO configuration is applied by default on fresh installations.


For a successful migration from multi-node single drive MinIO to single-node single drive MinIO, it's essential to ensure adequate free disk space on the Appcircle server.

To determine the required disk space, follow the steps below:

  • Log in to Appcircle server with SSH or remote connection.

  • Get information about the "Used" and "Available" disk spaces where your container engine data is stored.

df -h

Below is a sample output for the command above.

Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
devtmpfs 5.7G 0 5.7G 0% /dev
tmpfs 5.8G 0 5.8G 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 5.8G 20M 5.8G 1% /run
tmpfs 5.8G 0 5.8G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/vda3 80G 21G 60G 26% /
/dev/vda2 100M 5.8M 95M 6% /boot/efi
tmpfs 1.2G 0 1.2G 0% /run/user/1000
  • Get information about the disk usage of the container engine.
docker system df

Below is a sample output for the command above.

Images 39 38 12.77GB 1.081GB (8%)
Containers 45 41 12.08MB 4.055kB (0%)
Local Volumes 576 29 7.431GB 4.649GB (62%)
Build Cache 38 0 831.5MB 831.5MB
  • Make sure you have half of the "Local Volumes" size of "Available" (free) disk space.
    • In our example above, we have 60 GB of "Available" (free) disk space, which should be sufficient for the migration since the "Local Volumes" have a size of 7.4 GB.

If you don't have enough free disk space, the migration may fail, be interrupted, and stop.

Your data before the migration will be untouched and safe. So you can add some more free disk space and run the migration command again to migrate.


Download Latest

Download the latest self-hosted Appcircle package.

To download the licensed Appcircle Server package for your organization, you must copy the cred.json file to the directory where you want to install the package.


Without the cred.json file, you will not be able to access the licensed Appcircle Server package.

If you have not yet obtained the cred.json file, please contact us for assistance.

Download the latest self-hosted Appcircle package.

curl -fsSL | bash

Extract self-hosted Appcircle package into folder.

unzip -o -u appcircle-server-linux-x64-${version}-${build}.zip -d appcircle-server

You should use the downloaded zip archive while extracting so that the actual ${version} and ${build} will come from there. You can find the relevant data in the previously executed download command output.

Change directory into extracted appcircle-server folder for following steps.

cd appcircle-server

The spacetech in the example codes below are example project name.

Please find your own project name and replace spacetech with your project name.

To see projects, you can check the projects directory.

ls -l ./projects

Shutdown the Appcircle server.

./ -n "spacetech" down

Update Packages

Although it's rare, updates may have new packages or package updates. Those are the tools that the self-hosted Appcircle depends on. So they should be kept up-to-date, just like the Appcircle server.


You need to have root access to your system for this step. Being able to run sudo is sufficient for the following step. (sudoer)

In order to update packages, execute the script using the -i argument as shown below.

sudo ./ -i

Update Configuration

Migrating to a single-node single drive MinIO does not necessitate any additional configuration adjustments in the global.yaml file of the project.

Execute the below command to apply configuration changes.

./ -n "spacetech" export

Update Images

In order to get container image updates for Appcircle server services, you need to pull them from the remote artifact repository.


If you are updating the Appcircle server with the Offline Upgrade method, you should load the new container images before the MinIO migration.

For more details, please head to the Offline Upgrade documentation and follow the steps before the MinIO migration.

  • Upgrade the container images.
./ -n "spacetech" upgrade

MinIO Migration


You must apply one of the options below while updating the self-hosted Appcircle server.

Migration from multi-node single drive (mnsd) to single-node single drive (snsd) configuration can be accomplished seamlessly with a single command.

./ -n "spacetech" minio-migrate "mnsd" "snsd"

Upon successful completion of the migration process, you should see an output like in the example:

Migration logs are being saved into the minio-migration-20240329082833.log file.
The migration command was completed successfully.

Detailed migration logs are being saved into a file named minio-migration-${datetime}.log where the datetime part is the current system date time in a format like 20240329082833.

You can access and review the comprehensive migration logs from this file for further insights into the migration process.


If you are using a proxy on the Appcircle server, then you should update the no_proxy variables.

Please follow the No Proxy for Internal Container Network to update your proxy configuration for the new SNSD MinIO service.

Start the Server

  • Start the Appcircle server.
./ -n "spacetech" up

You should check the status of the Appcircle server after boot for any possible errors.

./ -n "spacetech" check

You should see the message: "All services are running successfully."

Troubleshooting & FAQ

There is no space left on disk while migrating

If you can connect to the server via SSH, you can delete the newly created single-node single drive MinIO volume to free up disk space for stable system operations.

  • List and filter the snsd volume from container volumes.
docker volume ls | grep -i "snsd"
  • Remove the your project's snsd volume. For example;
docker volume rm spacetech_minio_snsd_data

After that, you can cleanup the disk or add some more disk space for a successful migration.

Check the prerequisites section for the required disk space.

If you want to go on without any migration and stay with an older configuration, you should follow the Staying with MNSD MinIO section for configuration details.

Possible checks that can be done after migration

In order to check if the migration is successful and the data is consistent, you can check some modules on the Appcircle dashboard.

Below is a short list of common modules that can be checked.

  • Open a "Build Profile" and check the build logs.
  • Open a "Publish Profile" and check the publish logs.
  • Open a "Testing Distribution Profile" and check the app icons.
  • Open "Enterprise App Store" module and check the app icons.

The migration command also prints output about the result of the migration operation on the command line.

When you get an error while or after migrating

The migration operation does not delete the old MinIO volumes automatically. Your data before the migration is untouched and safe.

So if you face any error while migrating or after migrating to the SNSD MinIO, you can revert to the old MNSD MinIO configuration.

In this case follow the steps below to stay with MNSD MinIO configuration.

  • Log in to Appcircle server with SSH or remote connection.

  • Go to the appcircle-server directory.

cd appcircle-server

The spacetech in the example codes below are example project name.

Please find your own project name and replace spacetech with your project name.

To see projects, you can check the projects directory.

ls -l ./projects
  • Stop the Appcircle server.
./ -n "spacetech" down
  • Edit the global.yaml file of your project.
vi ./projects/spacetech/global.yaml
  • Add the below configuration section to global.yaml, or change the value as below if the minio section existed before.
type: mnsd
  • Apply configuration changes.
./ -n "spacetech" export
  • Start the Appcircle server.
./ -n "spacetech" up

Deleting the unused MinIO volumes after migration

If there are no errors while migrating and you are satisfied with the results after migration, you can delete the obsolete MinIO volumes to save free disk space.

In order to delete the unused MinIO volumes that were left from MNSD MinIO configuration, run the command below.


The spacetech in the example codes below are example project name.

Please find your own project name and replace spacetech with your project name.

To see projects, you can check the projects directory.

ls -l ./projects
docker volume rm \
spacetech_minio_data1 \
spacetech_minio_data2 \
spacetech_minio_data3 \

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